White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances.
abstract artworks

The Greatest Artist

Barbara Stamegna

White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances. White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances.

How many times in our lives we got chills when viewing a great artwork, when listening to a beautiful piece of music, when getting absorbed by the lines of a poem or by watching a movie?

Art expressions are able to convey emotions and to make us feel emotionally involved, they are able to spread waves of pleasure through our body and to make us feel as part of what we are listening, reading, watching or looking at.  The same feelings may generate when, with a free and clear mind, we get absorbed by an amazing sunset or when we look at a tree, at a beautiful flower or at any other element of nature.

Why this happens? Many scientific studies tried…

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floral pink abstract flower like image in pink tones with shades photography painting art
Photography Painting Art

PP Art: Photography Painting Art

dominant blue object abstraction art: colorful mottled image with irregular shapes and forms
dominant blue object abstraction art: colorful mottled image with irregular shapes and forms

What does PP Art mean? It is a fusion between the art of photography and that of painting.

Barbara Stamegna, painter, and I, in October 2018 decide to develop a new artistic flow by fusing our arts into an innovative artistic production that they name “PP Art”.

Photography Painting Art is the result of a process of manipulation of photos of paintings and digital art photographs. Through the fusion of these two different art products, a brand new artwork is born.

The outcome is an impressive artwork where both the fused visual arts create a new more stunning image where colors and shapes are mixed in an innovative and unique  way.

The resulting abstract images  are made of fluid floating shapes and straight or bended lines, of circles and concentric shapes, of vivid lights and shadows, of allusions to human faces or figures and they are made of bright an soft tones of colors and shades,  giving the watcher many suggestions for her/his imagination and creativity.

The PP Art (Photography Painting Art) fused artworks introduce the observer to an inner celestial world made by sensations, emotions, feelings, by evoking questions and ancestral images with a strong religious inspiration.

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the sword in stone: Tuscan Excalibur

pictures of travels

picture of the sword in stone Sword in stone. The sword in the stone, in the chapel next to the Gothic Abbey of Saint Galgano at Montesiepi, Tuscany, Siena.


The sword in the stone, in the chapel next to the Gothic Abbey of Saint Galgano at Montesiepi. Archaeological digging may soon unveil its origins, Italian research announced. Known as the “sword in the stone,” the Tuscan “Excalibur” is said to have been plunged into a rock in 1180 by Galgano Guidotti, a medieval knight who renounced war and worldly goods to become a hermit. Built in Galgano’s memory, the evocative Gothic abbey at Montesiepi, near the city of Siena, still preserves the sword in a little chapel. Only the hilt and a few centimeters of the blade protrude from the rock in the shape of a Cross. “The sword has been considered a fake for many years, but our metal dating research in 2001 has…

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the path of the soul to the heaven after death representation
photography based digital art, surrealism photography

surrealism and symbolism: a way to depict cultural and religious archetypes

photography based digital art

emerging colored pyramid in light, surrealism photography emerging colored pyramid in light, surrealism photography

In the surrealism photography the image can hold a conceptual and symbolic value, in contrast with non objective photograpy, where the image interpretation depends on  the watcher imagination. It takes the place or better can be used along the symbols of the world cultures. We have symbols like Swastika, Cross, Moon, Sun, and many others used by official religions and mystic movements, related to a specific meaning. The two swastikas toghether simbolise the equilibrium, the cross the rebirth and the Moon, in the islamic religion, has different meanings depending on its color. All these symbols evoque, in their culture and religion, a specific sensation, message. So through the surrealism photography we can create images transmitting messages as well. The depicted situations, landscapes create a dream world which makes our imagination working. We start from the rational sphere, given by a recognizable image for reaching the emotional sphere.

We can say that, in the photography…

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the path of the soul to the heaven after death representation
photography based digital art, surrealism photography

after death: syncretistic crossing

the path of the soul to the heaven after death representation
corridor with scripts on the wall in greek,hebew,tibetan anc tibetan symbols at the end with watching eyes and dream landscape behind

Fine art photography, surrealism picture. Scripts and symbols of Tibetan, Hindu,  Hebrew, Buddhist, Islamic and Christian religion for one  goal only. The picture depicts the path of soul after death as from tales of religions and mistics.A corridor with a light at its top. In some religions dying man is accompanied, as written in Tibetan book od Deads. Pictures are taken from holy places around the world: Bhutan monastry, synagogue, greek monastry and hindu temple. Many languages and symbols for one meaning.


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