White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances.
abstract artworks

The Greatest Artist

Barbara Stamegna

White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances. White, yellow, pink, black, blue, green, purple, light blue and lilac tones abstract outset of life like symbolic image in rough texture with rounded concentric shapes and nuances.

How many times in our lives we got chills when viewing a great artwork, when listening to a beautiful piece of music, when getting absorbed by the lines of a poem or by watching a movie?

Art expressions are able to convey emotions and to make us feel emotionally involved, they are able to spread waves of pleasure through our body and to make us feel as part of what we are listening, reading, watching or looking at.  The same feelings may generate when, with a free and clear mind, we get absorbed by an amazing sunset or when we look at a tree, at a beautiful flower or at any other element of nature.

Why this happens? Many scientific studies tried…

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