abstract artworks

Upload, earn and get visibility with your art

Deep Yellow Flowers Abstraction


Dear artgivers, welcome to Tradigital Art!


But…what is Tradigital Art?


We are an up to date art space dedicated to all new art expressions, ranging from the digital elaboration of traditional art to pure digital and new media arts.


We work in the art and technology industry to create new digital technology solutions, applications and products, to offer revolutionary art and cultural products, contents and services. We are artists and we work for you, artists and creative persons, in order to create new opportunities that go beyond the traditional selling of artworks.

According to our mission, we want to create a positive space where artists and creative people can develop and express their inner beauty and spiritual side, through their already made artworks and through the possibility to create on this platform new and innovative art contents.  We aim to emphasize contents that privilege positive feelings and emotions.


At this point you might be asking yourself… What can I do on Tradigital Art?


On Tradigital Art you can upload and sell an unlimited number of original downloadable artworks, which can be downloaded with a royalty free licence.


You can upload original artworks and art images created through: the digital elaboration of photographs; the digital elaboration of traditional art (painting, sculpture,  decoration, drawings, ceramics, …); the digital elaboration of all visual means  (newspapers, displays, posters, signs, banners,…) and visible things; digital technologies (pure digital images done completely on computers).


You can express and share your point of view about art in general, about your emotions, feelings and thoughts related to art, and about your artistic experience.


But still, there are many online art operators and professionals where you can propose your art.  So you might be wondering …Why should I choose to register and propose my artworks with Tradigital Art?  What’s the difference?


Visibility is one of the reasons why you should do that…


When it comes to selling our artworks, the situation may get a little difficult. Basically, the first issue we must face is finding an audience that appreciates our art and that is willing to invest in it. 


But how to get noticed in such a crowded industry?


Not all artists are talented, but many of them do have talent, and the reason because they don’t sell their art is due to a lack of visibility.


That is the reason why at Tradigital Art, we work with a particular focus to increase and guarantee the visibility of your art production on internet, in order to provide, create and develop for you and your pieces of art, new commercial outlets.


At Tradigital Art we guarantee you a visibility both in our homepage slideshow, and with our category and tags, all for free.  In fact, every new uploaded artwork will be displayed on our general Tradigital Artgiving Suggestions home page in a chronological order, and therefore every new uploaded artwork will have in turn a top position in our homepage.  Moreover, every new uploaded artwork will have in turn a top position in the categories and tags you selected to describe your artworks.


Share your contents on social media and increase your visibility!


All Tradigital Art contributors are given a free tool to share contents on social media.  We make your social sharing easy and fast, in order to put your artwork in front of a large and wide variety of audience, to increase your visibility in no time!


Earn a 65% commission on each sale!


When you sell on Tradigital Art, you earn a 65% commission on each sold artwork.  Moreover, you registration on Tradigital Art is free, and you can upload and propose an unlimited number of works of art, all for free.  We take only a 35% commission from the pieces you sell.


Sell your art also with cryptocurrencies!


Tradigital Art uses the most efficient, advanced and secure type of platform and payment systems.


We also envisage purchases with cryptocurrency.  Therefore, if you have a wallet you can accept cryptocurrency. If not, it will be automatically converted into euros or dollars at the current rate of exchange.


Optimize your artworks visibility!


On Tradigital Art we give you the right tools to optimize your artworks visibility.  We use WordPress, one of the most powerful CMS for Images Seo Purposes. If well utilized, you can have a very good chance to get your images visible in Google search, and all this in no time and in a few simple steps.  In order to achieve this, we have prepared for you a number of tutorials that you can find in our Blog section.


Upload hundreds of images in no time!


On Tradigital Art you can upload a large number of artworks in no time with the File Transfer Protocol.  Moreover, with this protocol you can start uploading, publishing and making your artworks visible right away, and you can add more descriptive information to your art pieces at a later time!


Share your thoughts, opinions and reflections about art!


On Tradigital Art you can express and share your point of view about art in general, about your emotions, feelings and thoughts related to art.  You can enrich other contributors and all users browsing experience by sharing contents of your artistic experience, digital and computer expertise, spiritual and mystic reflections and thoughts and contents concerning the art topic, on the Tradigital Art Blog!


Make an extra income without parting from your art is another good reason…


Actually, another and not less important issue, is to let go our art pieces when the time comes to part with them. There is an intimate part of us in each artwork we create, and letting it go feels like giving away and parting with a fundamental portion of our inner self.


But how to make a living with our art without giving it away?


At Tradigital Art we offer you a solution to that.  In fact, we propose your art to a market segment that works with high-quality original artistic production images (tradigital or pure digital), and not with traditional art.  This way, we give you further possibilities to make a living with your art without parting from it. Otherwise, if you don’t mind parting with your artworks, we offer you a new work opportunity in addition to the traditional selling of your art you already take care of!​


So what are you waiting for! Just Apply and make a new stART with Tradigital ART!


Make it smART! Make Tradigital ART!

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